Cameroid PART 2
Hanifah Trya
- 5:09 PM
Cameroid PART 1
Hanifah Trya
- 4:56 PM
Ketika Gue Alay Dulu..
Hanifah Trya
- 5:43 PM
Nah, gue kemaren lagi iseng aja ngoprek-ngoprek Friendster (ya,
Friendster) gue dari zaman entah kapan. Gue melihat banyak foto-foto
lama yang gue upload ke sana, lalu gue berpikir… kenapa gue dulu alay banget ya?! Ternyata gue punya masa-masa menjadi alay lengkap dengan
foto dengan pose yang aneh-aneh.
Karena gue sering ngeledekin alay, biar fair, gue bakal kasih liat foto-foto gue jaman masih alay dulu. Sebelumnya gue juga udah pernah nge post di blog gue beberapa bulan lalu tentang ciri2 orang alay, dan juga banyak visitor yg dateng.
Karena gue sering ngeledekin alay, biar fair, gue bakal kasih liat foto-foto gue jaman masih alay dulu. Sebelumnya gue juga udah pernah nge post di blog gue beberapa bulan lalu tentang ciri2 orang alay, dan juga banyak visitor yg dateng.
Here goes..
1. Pose melet
Gue gak ngerti apa yang ada di pikiran gue saat ngambil foto ini. Yang jelas dulu itu lagi ngetren2 nya foto melet, sampe2 gue ketularan ikutan foto melet. dan yg pasti dari lahir gue ga suka melet2.
2. Pose bibir rapet dan rambut terurai
Kalo gue dulu tau betapa alaynya foto ini, pasti gue langsung buka jendela sebelah dan loncat ke bawah.
3. Pose bibir ditutup
Dulu gue sering bergaya kayak begini. karena gue kira bakalan gaul banget dengan gaya bibir ditutup. Sekarang, gue berpikir.. kenapa dulu gue bisa alay banget yak...
4. Pose Dengan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah (piss)
Dulu gue juga sering bergaya dengan dua jari atau piss, sampe sekarangpun mungkin gue masih bergaya dua jari seperti itu.
5. Pose Bibir monyong dan jari telunjuk di pipi
Pose begini pas gue masih labil dan masih super duper alay. tapi jangan takut, bibir gue masih normal kok, gak monyong kayak gitu
Nah, begitulah foto-foto alay gue. Semua orang punya masa lalu, karena memang menjadi alay adalah sebuah proses pendewasaan. Dan gue pun punya masa-masa alay. Setidaknya hargailah orang alay, karena ingat, mungkin dulu kita pernah di posisi mereka sekarang.
Gue gak ngerti apa yang ada di pikiran gue saat ngambil foto ini. Yang jelas dulu itu lagi ngetren2 nya foto melet, sampe2 gue ketularan ikutan foto melet. dan yg pasti dari lahir gue ga suka melet2.
2. Pose bibir rapet dan rambut terurai
Kalo gue dulu tau betapa alaynya foto ini, pasti gue langsung buka jendela sebelah dan loncat ke bawah.
3. Pose bibir ditutup
Dulu gue sering bergaya kayak begini. karena gue kira bakalan gaul banget dengan gaya bibir ditutup. Sekarang, gue berpikir.. kenapa dulu gue bisa alay banget yak...
Dulu gue juga sering bergaya dengan dua jari atau piss, sampe sekarangpun mungkin gue masih bergaya dua jari seperti itu.
5. Pose Bibir monyong dan jari telunjuk di pipi
Pose begini pas gue masih labil dan masih super duper alay. tapi jangan takut, bibir gue masih normal kok, gak monyong kayak gitu
Nah, begitulah foto-foto alay gue. Semua orang punya masa lalu, karena memang menjadi alay adalah sebuah proses pendewasaan. Dan gue pun punya masa-masa alay. Setidaknya hargailah orang alay, karena ingat, mungkin dulu kita pernah di posisi mereka sekarang.
Christina Grimmie - The Next YouTube Popstar
Hanifah Trya
- 2:03 PM
We've all heard of Esmee Denters who caught the attention of Justin Timberlake and Justin Bieber who grabbed the attention of Usher. And now, the next YouTube phenom, Christina Grimmie teamed up with Teen Queen Selena Gomez for the UNICEF Charity Concert at The Roxy, Tuesday, October 26, 2010 in Hollywood, CA. The concert was broadcasted live on UStream Live for all to watch around the world. On Tuesday she debuted 3 of her original songs.
We might have another Taylor Swift on our hands here! While introducing her song Liar Liar she tells onlookers, "I actually wrote this one about a bad relationship; we all have them. This person was very very good liar, so this is for you..." and snickers right before she starts singing. This one was my favorite of the set. By this song it seemed that she had gotten all the nerves out and her voice sounded the strongest.
When you watch her videos you will notice a couple things will always be seen - her keyboard and a lonesome single poster of Sonic the Hedgehog. In a recent interview with Y106.9 she had stated that she is a "huge video game nerd;" so I guess that explains the poster and channel name!
Getting serious about the piano at the age of 11, Christina also mentions in the interview that the piano she plays in ALL of her videos is the first piano she had received when she was 12 years old. Now, this I found the most interesting and impressive about Christina, she does not know how to read music. Everything that you hear her play on her videos is all learned by ear and her own interpretations of the songs. AMAZING!!
If I could give her one piece of advice it would be to keep up the great work and to STOP pointing out your mistakes in each video. Some of the best performers mess up and they know that we, as fans, notice if someone is wrong, but they don't mention it after the performance. Just enjoy the ride and know that you're doing something that most people are scared to do because they are afraid of what people will think.
A couple of my favorite covers:
Beat It - Michael Jackson
Request Medley of Various Artists
Shark In The Water - VV Brown
Which ones are your favorites???
To keep up with Christina Grimmie you can follow her on:
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