Crazy stupid Conversation
Hanifah Trya
- 10:29 PM
jadi gue kan rencananya mau nguji orang asing tentang Indonesia sama Malaysia eh taunya jadi gini-___- : via Omegle
You: hi
Stranger: hey
Stranger: from ?
You: u first
Stranger: from seoul
You: ooo i see, i'm malaysiam
You: *malaysian
You: f/m?
Stranger: u firt
Stranger: *first
Stranger: LOL
You: female 15th
You: hahaha u?
Stranger: f
Stranger: hahaha
You: umm
You: what do u think about malaysia?
Stranger: i don't really know
Stranger: but i know upin ipin !
You: hahaha you know it!
Stranger: yeaaaaaah betul betul betul
You: hahaha betul it means right
You: btw i just want to ask u something, which do u prefer indonesia or malaysia?
Stranger: why ?
You: nah, aswer it :)
You: hey
Stranger: i prefer both
You: why?
Stranger: because it's beautiful country
You: what country that you mean?
Stranger: both of them, then i ask you , what's your opinion about your country and indonesia
Stranger: ?
You: okay then indonesia it's a beautiful country, the country's rich, ahve soo many forests, beautiful animals, beaches, islands
You: my mom is from jakarta btw
You: *have
Stranger: oooh , btw i'm in indonesia right now , moving
You: have u ever been to indonesia?
Stranger: yeah , i'm in indonesia for 1 years
You: ooooooh. why you moving thete?
Stranger: *year
You: *there
You: so you can speak indonesia rite?
Stranger: because i have to follow my father works
Stranger: iya
You: hahaha where do u go to school?
You: me too i'm moving from indo to malaysia so i have to follow my father
Stranger: aaa , i'm in smp 1 bogor
Stranger: do you know that ?
You: i know bogor!
Stranger: :D
You: i have been there:) you must try the foods
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: whats your favorite foods from bogor ?
You: ummm "toge goreng"
You: i love sundanese foods:)
Stranger: waaaaaaaaa, same with me , by the way i was born in indonesia and then i moving to seoul
You: kenapa ya malaysia harus bermasalah dengan indonesia?
You: oooooh
Stranger: saya juga tak tahu
You: hahaha
You: but i like indonesia more :)
Stranger: mungkin penyebabnya ...
Stranger: perebutan kebudayaan
You: yeahhhh
You: to be honest then, i'm from indonesia~
You: aku cuma mau nguji orang2 asing ttg indoenesia/malaysia
Stranger: emm , really ?
You: i'm sorry :(
Stranger: sama dong
You: gue juga udah ngira
Stranger: wkwkwkwkwk
You: lo orang bogor?
Stranger: eh suka korea ga ?
Stranger: iya dong
You: ga terlalu
Stranger: lu dari mana emang ?
You: jakarta
Stranger: dikira orang malaysia beneran
You: masa tadi kan gue chat sama orang kanada terus gue nanya "mending indo apa malay?" dia bilang malay
Stranger: tapi kalo gua memang beneran
Stranger: hihihihi curcol abis !
You: katanya di indonesia tuh banyak jablay gitu deh
You: ih najis bangettt
You: tapi dia suka bali-_-
You: katanya orang indo juga lebih miskin dibanding malaysia
Stranger: bali kan gudang maksiat -_________-
You: iya sih emang-_-
Stranger: ya udah sih biasa aja toh kita ngga miskin
You: yoeeeh
Stranger: lu cowo ato cewe ?
Stranger: *penasaran
You: cewee
You: haha
You: lo?
Stranger: gua juga cewe
Stranger: punya twitter kaga ?
You: ada
You: @hanifahtrya
You: lo?
Stranger: @deminjun
You: lo emang dari korea beneran?hahahaha
Stranger: beneran , tapi gua lahir di bogor , terus bokap gua ada tugas ke seoul
You: ooooh
You: terus sekarang di indo lagi?
Stranger: yaaalah , males gua disana
You: oh gitu haha
Stranger: eh udah gua follow ya
You: okedeh gue mau cari orang asing lg wkwkw
You have disconnected.