
by - 7:16 PM


I always ask my father like a thousand time, "Ayah aku cantik ga?". Then, he always said the same thing everytime i asked him, "yang penting itu cantik hatinya" then, he added, "anak ayah gak ada yang jelek". I mean, yeah, i know it very well, very very very well. But... as a woman, we want to be acknowledged to be pretty by saying "iya. kamu cantik kok", especially our own family member. Many things that happend to me back then. Being bullied because of my appearance ((i have a squint eyes when i was child)). So i was kind of underestimate myself until now . I envy with the other girls that have a beautiful face and can easily makes friend back then. I mean, every girl is born to be beautiful. They shouldn't be bullied (walaupun cuma dikatain). They don't deserve to be bullied despite their looks. But only some people who know and understand it. Being pretty is really important for girl. Girls dress up and look good because they want to. They want to look good for themself and they want to get acknowledged in the right and respected way. I like it when i am called beautiful, because my efforts seem to be paid off.

But, maybe now, i understand what my father said to me. You are ugly if you have an ugly heart. No matter how beautiful your exterior is, you can't be truly beautiful until you learn to be nice. People will still look down on you if you have a pretty face with bad personality. And vise versa. I was taught never to take life for granted, to love with everything i had, to never give up, to believe in my God (Allah SWT), but most of all, to fight for my self and love everyone around me (even a bad ppl).


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