Renungan: Everybody Is On Their Own Timeline

by - 11:22 PM

It’s incredibly easy in this day and age to look around and constantly compare ourselves to other people. We feel like we’re not where we want to be, like we’re missing out, like everyone else is more successful or happier or having more fun or that we’re being left behind. The truth is, everyone feels like this from time to time.

You only see other people’s lives from the outside, looking in.

You only know what people tell you about themselves – or what they post on Facebook or Instagram. They are the editors of their own self-image, and in the modern era you can be completely deceived by the highlight reels people post online. You only see the highs, not the lows.

You don’t see the sadness. You don’t see the insecurity, or the self-loathing, or any sign of the internal battles that each and every one of us fights day in and day out.

It’s hard not to look at other people’s lives and feel jealous and insecure about ourselves. But we don’t see the reality. We don’t see how much other people struggle, exactly like we do. We don’t see the tears, or loneliness, or the frustration. We feel these things only in ourselves, and so we feel isolated and as though the world has left us behind, when in reality we’re all exactly where we need to be.

Just because they had a good life, it doesn't mean the didn't have a problem.
It's called "Sawang sinawang"

Be grateful guys.

We’re all on our own timelines, living our lives the way we’re meant to. We will get to where we want to be when we’re meant to get there, no matter how long it takes. We can’t force things to turn out any particular way. What will be will be.

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