Thingy About School Days

by - 4:26 PM

Hi. How's life? Mine is rather good and how about yours? School days arent too good, but not too bad. I've shared so many experiences on my holiday to my friends and so do they. Troughing school days with laugh and a lil bit anger. Yeah you know, many un-friendly friends appear in my class. AS LONG AS I KNOW IT. Bueh, I couldnt explain more. They're just so annoying I cant understand why God creates people like them. Fyuh.

The worst thing about school beside un-friendly friends is about assignments. What the hell, it's been a week Im alive in school days BUT the teachers love to give us many assignments dunno why. I have about.. 5? or 7? 0r even 10? HAHAH! I have many TASKS im lazy to do that.

Love! :-)

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