supersmellysweet 16th birthday ♥
Selamat ulang tahun, Kami ucapkan. Selamat Panjang umur! Kita kan doakan. Selamat Sejahtera, sehat sentosa!! Selamat panjang umur dan bahagia!
Sorry for latest post. Last sunday 12 august its my birthday. So far, it hasn’t lived up to my expectations of ‘my super sweet 16’ I mean, Where's my present? Jokes, i’m not a spoiled bitch.
It’s all so exciting ;D kind of wish I wasn’t spending the day alone, as Gosh isn’t back ‘til monday, but I woke up to a really sweet message so that’s made up for :’)
yeah. I’m 16!
Anyway, everyone be excited that it’s my birthday okay.
Thanks for still give me breath in my 16th, God :)It’s all so exciting ;D kind of wish I wasn’t spending the day alone, as Gosh isn’t back ‘til monday, but I woke up to a really sweet message so that’s made up for :’)
yeah. I’m 16!
Anyway, everyone be excited that it’s my birthday okay.
Thanks for rina yang ngucapin jam 23:58 tapi mungkin jam segitu gue belum lahir bu dan juga tikaaa my beloved friendd yg ngucapin jam 00:00 gue sangat terharu banget ;)
Thanks for my friends who gave me suprised on that day : Siska, Riska, Retno yg udah nyiram gue pake air terus nyempetin dateng kesekolah pas gue jaga zakat cuma mau ngasih kado buat gue ;) They're rock \m/
Thanks for my BBM's contacts
Thanks for my Facebook's & twitter's friends
Thanks for all who said happy birthday to me, thank you so much :)
Thanks for who gave me birthday gift, love it so much!
Thanks for anak rohis yg udah sengaja bikin gue kalah main ayam-ayaman dan di cemongin bedak
Thanks for my Big Family yg udah ngerayain walu ga besar-besar banget pas gue pulang bukber disekolah. laff yaa ♥
Thanks for all the people who remembered me
today by sending card, letters, gift and thanks for your all best
wishes. Its really mean a lot to me :) I feel more lucky to myself now
What I wish?
I wish you would be mine.
I wish my dad would gimme what I ask him a few days ago.
I wish my midterm would success.
I wish I've a longlife, my friends better to me. I'm away from the problem.-.
The best wishes for me:D I wish what my friends wish to me would be true! :Dthank you!
you dont even understand how much it means to me!
i really mean it!
thank you thank you thank you to those who wished me happy birthday
you are amazing and i love you all!
I wish you would be mine.
I wish my dad would gimme what I ask him a few days ago.
I wish my midterm would success.
I wish I've a longlife, my friends better to me. I'm away from the problem.-.
The best wishes for me:D I wish what my friends wish to me would be true! :Dthank you!
you dont even understand how much it means to me!
i really mean it!
thank you thank you thank you to those who wished me happy birthday
you are amazing and i love you all!
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