by - 8:51 PM

Hello there!~ It's been a loooooong time since my last post. Well, nobody comes here anymore and I ain't got time to write. But! I scrolled through hundreds of old posts on my Facebook and wow. How time flies real fast. And I thought why not post something to this humble blog of mine... So here I am.

Right now, I'm currently writing my task. i really have so muchhhh task this week, im so gloomy. It's due next week, and I have finished half of them muehehe but, hey who cares! lol.
I didnt know what should i write, lately my life is really boring. But i got so much interesting new friend in university. yeayyyy and no, university life doesn't stop me from being me, i mean the real me. The CRAZYYY ONE OF MY SELFF. I don't even know anymore. I mean, I thought university life will somehow tone down my life, but no. Huff. Okay what in the world did I just say. From task to life. Ugh I'm so boring right now.

So. That's all, I guess. I need to finish my essay, like, right now. Omg.

Bye! *hugs*

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