by - 6:37 PM

You know, the fact forgiving is easy for me, but forgetting and trusting again is the hard part. i appreciate her for being honest to me, thank you. but you know, sometimes being really honest isnt very good too, just keep silent is best way. Because not everyone has the same heart as you.
Let me tell you something.
This person is sooo dramatic, I mean, even the slightest problem can make this person go 'baper', i mean i am baper too, we are baper, cuz we have heart. If we dont baper, then thats mean we are heartless. But, i think it is too much. I didnt says something harsh to her, i'm just reminding her. After that she said something really mean to me, she said i'm 'childish' but yeaa i accept it for being childish, but the other word that came out from her mouth is i am rude and didnt think about other people feeling. WHAT ABOUT YOU? telling things in front of people. you dont even know me and my friend feeling right? Respect other people privacy! Respect other, if you want to be respected. You dont even know the case and you dont know me very well and suddenly, out of the blue you said something like that?! HAHAHAHHA. then i was like, 'what's your problem, dude? Chill out!'. The things that makes me really mad at her is that she is connecting me being in an organization, and the attitude that i have is different. WHAT? hahahhahaah you dont really understand me, thats funny.

But then, this person apologize to me. and yeaa maybe i'm being to rude to didnt answer her about the apology, it isnt like i dont want to forgive this person, because my friend once said to me "percuma kalo minta maaf kalo bakalan diulangin lagi". After that, all of my friends told me that "Udah biarin aja, emang kek gitu orangnya, iya iyain aja kalo ngomong" because most of my friends in class is on my side, so and i was like "Okay".

Girl. If you have problem with me, just talk to me, talk in front of my face! dont bad-mouthing other people behind their back, its make him/her look bad in other people's eyes. And maybe next time i will give you 'mirror' as present.


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