
by - 2:36 PM

ロ Single
ロ In a relationship
☑ Waiting my prince from God

First of all, i want to tell you, whoever you are who always mocking me for being single!
I'm single by choice because I DON'T TAKE DATING LIGHTHEARTEDLY.

Dating around is a bad idea. I always hated the advice “Makanya cari pacar, biar ada yang jajanin.” "Makanya cari pacar, biar ada yang anter jemput." "Makanya...makanya....." blahblah
Whatever, if that's the reason, I'll just date myself. I’m telling you that giving your heart away in a constant cycle of temporary relationships will do you more harm than good! Protect your heart – and adopt a date to marry mindset, PLEASE.

Do not let society and our culture to influence you to go along with what is “normal” these days. You’re better than that. If you listen to me, you can be sure that your future spouse will be thankful for your decisions before meeting them. Then again, I’m just a random girl.

Be Love,

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