
by - 8:35 PM


It's been quite a while since my last post, isn't it? Blame it on seniorhigh! I really want to post some cheerful stories today, but, actually the reason I come back to post because I have no one to talk to. Huf life is tough indeed. Anyway, blogs are also diaries ryt? So I think it's fine to 'curhat' a lil bit :p

People do make mistake. Don't they? I just did. But the worst part is that I am such a coward that I don't have enough courage to say ''I am sorry''. I tried, though. Not verbally said ''I am sorry'', but the way I treat her. Like, companying her everywhere she goes. I know, that doesn't pay the mistakes I made, but what else can I do? Our relationship is getting better, indeed, but it won't be the same, will it? T_T

Mind to read? Open. Don't mind? Don't open. :D

This writing...maybe the worst writing I’ve ever made. First, I wanna say, I’m terribly sorry for what I’ve done to you, the one I dedicated this writing to. Here are the things, she is one of my precious friends. I...made her mad, maybe not really, but confused. The first time, it was only a small problem.
Awalnya hanya masalah kelas, yeah. engga tau kenapa gue sangat ingin sekelas dengan dia.

Guess why? Of course. I was so shame. And my eyes were all swelled from last night’s crying. Losing her like this, is like, ...i dont know. I cant describe. I feel so stupid. I feel very ashamed of my self. How can my childish attitude made her mad at me like this?! Why?! I understand though, this is all my fault. And I hope nothing, I expect nothing. Even maybe in the end, she can never forgive me, I understand. Those who read this story, and know who she is, please just keep it for yourself. I’m not telling this to publish my broken relationship. I just want to share. And if maybe, by chance, you, the one I dedicated this story to, read this, I just want you to know. That I’m really sorry for everything that I’ve done to you. I’ve never been a good friend for you, but one thing. I love you. And I hope you can forgive me. After all, you are one of my precious friend I’ve ever had.

This is the longest story I've ever made (about someone) and I've ever posted too hehe. I hope this person I dedicated this writing to doesn't read this (huh how coward!!! T_T) and if maybe you know who this person is, please don't tell her T_T Call me coward, or anything, but the thing is, I'm too ashamed to even have courage to say sorry. T_T So, there it is. Thanks for reading, and terribly sorry for the angst.

"But friendship is the breathing rose, with sweets in every fold." -Oliver Wendell Holmes.

See u around♥

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